Saturday 16 July 2016

Muslim youths attack Catholic members for worshiping on Friday

Minna - Few days after a female pastor in the Redeem Christian Church of God,  Eunice Olawale, was brutally killed by suspected Muslim extremists, a group of another Muslim youths on Friday attacked St. Philip’s Catholic Parish, Baki Iku, close to Zuma Rock in Niger State, reports NewsDay.
The incident occurred around 2pm shortly after the Muslim youths had closed from their Jumat service.
The suspected Muslim youths stormed the parish while the members were praying and attacked the Catho­lic members claiming that Friday is their day of prayer and that the church only has right to worship on Sundays.
The youth beat the security man in the church premises to a pulp.
Some women who were holding a prayer meeting were chased away while the seminarian who is resident in the premises was also beaten up and chased away.
The Muslim youths also destroyed properties belonging to the church.
Ssome soldiers who later arrived at the church premises managed to pre­vent more damage car­ried out on the church properties

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