Wednesday 4 May 2016

Sony Is Trying To Patent A Contact Lens That Can Record And Play Video At The Blink Of An Eye.

Sony Is Trying To Patent A Contact Lens That Can Record And Play Video At The Blink Of An Eye.

photo credit: Sony Corporation/U.S. 

Sony has a filed a patent for smart contact lenses that will allow you to record and play back video. The Japanese tech giants describe the idea as “a contact lens and storage medium capable of controlling an image pickup unit provided in the contact lens.”
The patent makes reference to the use of wireless technology that is able to connect with a smartphone. Users will also be able to flick through different commands with the blink of an eye, such as the command to take photos. It will be able to differentiate between conscious and unconscious blinking through differences in the duration of blinks. You might not be expecting much from the camera as far as quality is concerned, but Sony's patent says it will be able to adjust zoom, focus, and aperture just like the technology in a current smartphone's camera.
Perhaps the most exciting and ambitious promise of the lens is the ability to record and play back videos. Since the lens features internal storage and its own display screen, you will effectively be able to re-see moments of your life, simply by closing your eyes.
The patent application has yet to be reviewed, so it’s worth considering that this contraption is by no means a sure thing, especially since it is not established how much of the technology currently exists. Nevertheless, there’s been a fair few recent hints that contact lens technology is fast becoming part of the arms race between tech companies. It was revealed last month thatSamsung filed a patent for smart contact lenses, and Google also has a similar patent up their sleeve.

Woman sues Starbucks for $5 million over too much ice in cold drinks

Woman sues Starbucks for $5 million.

A Chicago woman Stacy Pincus, has filed a lawsuit against Starbucks for more than $5 million, claiming the coffee giant regularly overfills its cold drinks with ice instead of using the advertised amount of coffee or other liquid in its plastic cups. She accused Starbucks of  false advertising and consumer fraud, adding that they serve its customers “much less than advertised.

The lawsuit alleges that an iced beverage advertised at 24 ounces contains about 14 ounces of fluid, and that ice isn't a fluid or beverage.
"A Starbucks customer who orders and pays for a cold drink receives much less than advertised — often nearly half as many fluid ounces," the lawsuit states, adding that the practice is "by design and corporate practice and procedure."
“Starbucks includes these three black lines on its cold drink cups to ensure that its employees fill these cups with less fluid ounces than are advertised on Starbucks’s menu for a given cold drink,” the lawsuit says. “In fact, Starbucks instructs its employees to provide its customers with fewer fluid ounces than advertised.”

In the lawsuit, Pincus also challenged Starbucks’s pricing, saying it charges more for cold drinks than hot ones. An average Grande Iced Coffee, advertised as a 16-ounce drink, costs $2.65, while a hot Grande Freshly Brewed Coffee costs $2.10.
“Essentially, Starbucks is not only underfilling its cold drinks compared to how they are advertised, but it is charging a premium price for them as well,” the filing reads. “Starbucks’s cold drinks are underfilled to make more money and higher profits, to the detriment of consumers who are misled by Starbucks’s intentionally misleading advertising practices.”
However, Starbucks dismissed the lawsuit as “frivolous and without merit.”
“Our customers understand and expect that ice is an essential component of any ‘iced’ beverage,” the coffee giant said in a statement. “If a customer is not satisfied with their beverage preparation, we will gladly remake it.”
Starbucks, has more than 23,000 stores worldwide, reported $19.2 billion in net revenue in 2015, a 16.5 percent increase from the previous year.

A lot of people think Pincus is only trying to get free money and that her lawsuit is dead on arrival at any court.
Some of their thoughts..

Kourtney kardashian put her body on display

Kourtney Kardashian puts her hot body on display at the beach

Hot mum of three, Kourtney Kardashian visited the beach in Miami with her brood as she put her hot bod on display in a black swimsuit. More photos after the cut...

Top 10 richest men in the world

Who is the Richest Person in the World Ever

The ranks for the world’s top billionaires are assigned after comparing their worth.


The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates has recaptured the title of world’s richest person with the estimated fortune of $87.4 Billion. With the age of 60 years, tycoon’s fortune has increased by billions during the last year. Accordance with the index, the shares of Microsoft have risen to 40%, and it is the biggest achievement of the Microsoft Company. In accordance to the Bloomberg Billionaires index, that is the daily ranking list of world’s three hundred wealthiest people around the worldUntil 2013, a Mexican investorCarlos Slim was considered the richest man in the world but Bill Gates regained the top rank from him during the same year.
The latest survey exposed a list of top ten richest people on earth from which Bill Gates is the richest man in the world having the wealth of $87.4 Billion. Following is a list of Top 10 Current Billionaires around the world.


(Billion Dollars)
1.Bill Gates$87.460United States
2.Carlos Slim Helu$72.976Spain
3.Amancio Ortega$66.879Spain
4.Warren Buffett$60.785United States
5.Jeff Bezos$56.651United States
6.David Koch$47.477United States
7.Charles Koch$46.880United States
8.Larry Ellison$45.371United States
9.Mark Zuckerberg$42.831United States
10.Michael Bloomberg$42.173United States


Michael Bloomberg
With the Net worth of $42.1 billion, Michael Bloomberg claims to be the 10th richest man in the world as per 2016 rankings. Michael Bloomberg organized his financial-data company in 1981 following a profitable profession at investment bank Salomon Brothers, which he met in 1966 after pursuing his MBA at Harvard Business School. He united a news and media subordinate to his company in 1990, but even today the majority of Bloomberg LP’s $9 billion in earnings still comes from the trade of terminals that Wall Street traders depend on for the most recent financial and market data.
He departed the corporation to run New York City as mayor in 2002 and completed three terms. But instead of spending his time after retiring office in 2013 by giving away his enormous wealth, as expected, he alternately rotated to Bloomberg LP to improve the newsroom and turn the business in a different way.
Now, Bloomberg may be seeing to revert to the public office. He is reportedly examining the chances of an autonomous regulatory bid. But he meets an upward struggle — he’s a pro-business fiscal traditionalist who also promotes gun control, abortion benefits, and struggles to control weather difference — his personal fight chest will appear in nearby. The previous mayor, who paid $261 million for his operations for New York City office, tells he’d spent as much as $1 billion of his wealth on a presidential period.


Mark Zuckerberg
In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg, then only 19-year-old student at Harvard,, an initial version of the now everywhere social network known as Facebook. Zuckerberg fell out of college to work full-time as CEO of Facebook, and this social website instantly erupted in demand. Today, it invites over a billion daily users and is worth over $275 billion, beating all-time stock highs in November later surpassing revenue anticipations. At 31, Zuckerberg is by far the youngest billionaire in the 50 richest people around the world.
Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, hugged a daughter, Max, in November, and Zuck got two months off from tasks to stay with his daughter, initiating an example of Facebook’s active paternity-Off policy.
The pair also promised in December to transfer 99% of their wealth in their lifetimes by a brand-new company called the Chan-Zuckerberg Enterprise, but a few analysts regarded this latest organization wasn’t a generous donation itself and noticed the statement misrepresenting. But this was not their first venture into generosity. They donated $25 million in the battle against Ebola virus during the last year, and they contributed $100 million worth Facebook shares moving to improve a public school system in New Jersey.


Larry Ellison
Larry Ellison is the Founder and CEO of Oracle. His is 71 years old citizen of United States. He has the worth of $45.3 billion. A few years ago, he was the fifth richest person on the planet. Most of his wealth come from the Oracle where he holds 23% of stocks.


Charles Koch
He is the Chairman and CEO of Koch Industries. His age is 80 years and theworth of $46.8 billion is making it theseventh richest person in the world. He is also the citizen of United States. Charles Koch has again tied with his brother David Koch. His financial arm gains from the 42% interest in the company he is running.


David Koch
He is the Executive Vice President of Koch Industries. Having the total worth of $47.4 billion, he is the sixth richest person in the world. He is more active than his brother and operating the chemical wing of Koch Industries from his home. He also owns the 42% shares of the company. He is also 77 years old.


Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos earned his massive fortune by bringing the e-commerce to this planet. After consuming time in investment on Wall Street, Bezos in the parking of his Seattle house in 1994 and worked it entirely as an online book retailer. The corporation went public three years next and had since developed to carry all from furniture to food to Amazon’s user-electronics goods, making $89 billion in sales in 2014.
Similarly, Bezos, chairman, and CEO, suffered a plenty of adverse media concentration last year for news that Amazon’s stockpiles are high-pressure, deadly work conditions — claims he contradicted — the internet retailer remains to increase with the extension of Amazon Network Services, the company’s cloud-computing section, and bold design to overcome India’s “trillion dollars” online-retail market.
Apart from Amazon, Bezos also has advantages containing properties in his personally held space organization Blue Origin, that actively started its first satellite in 2015, and The Washington Post, the newspaper he acquired in 2013. And the beginning of last month, he funded millions of dollars in a business that’s generating a simple blood test to identify all forms of cancer.


Warren Buffet is 85 years old U.S. Citizen and with the worth of $60.7 billion, he is the fourth richest person in the world. His designation is CEO, Berkshire Hathaway. The principal amount of his income comes from the textile company. While Warren Buffett was struggling to survive in the market, he began buying shares in the firm in 1962. He called it the Dumbest Stock he ever purchased, but the company has been shedding the vast amounts in his pockets for a long time. One interesting thing, which I want to share with you, he purchased his first stock when he was only 11 years old and filed his initial tax return after two years. He has a deep friendship with Bill Gates and being one of the most generous persons in the world Warren Buffett regularly donates to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


Amancio Ortega
He is 79 years old 3rd richest person in the world having the worth of $66.8 billion. He has a richest family background, so he is the richest man in Spain, and his ex-wife was the wealthiest woman in the country until she died. All due to the major clothing retailer Inditex, whose 59% shares does Ortega hold. He stepped down as the chairperson of Inditex, the parent organization of Zara in 2011. He quit his school when he was only 13 years old just to labor in a clothing shop in March; Ortega was the world’s third richest billionaires in the list prepared by Forbes for the first time.


Carlos Slim Helu the Richest-man-in-the-world
Carlos Slim Helu is 76 years old Mexican citizen. Having the worth of $72.9 billion, he is the second richest person in the world. He is the resident of Mexico. Until a few recent years, he remained the richest person in the world for the four years, and now he is the second richest person after Bill Gates. The assets of Carlos Slim Helu are mostly invested in the publically trading companies. He has about 46% shares of his business. Until 2013, his worth was over $73 billion because of the surging stocks at his financial arm, known as Grupo Financiero in Bursa and at his Grupo Carso industrial and retail giant.


Germany Gates
Bill Gates is the Chairman of Microsoft.$87.4 billion are making him the richest man in the world. He is 60 years old man, and he is living in the United States of America. Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world, but he is also the most generous person in the world. He donated more than $28 billion just to wipe out the diseases such as Polio and Malaria through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and got the prayers by millions of people living in the world. That foundation is working for the welfare of people co-chaired by his wife, Melinda Gates. Bill Gates is the owner of Microsoft, which is the biggest Software Company in the world and according to Bloomberg,Bill Gates owns about 398 million shares, which is the 4.8% of the firm. He is not limited to Microsoft but also has reasonable investments in diverse sectors such as four season hotels, real estate, energy (sapphire energy) and photography Corbis images through the cascade investment.

List of phobias and their meaning.

Typical symptoms of phobias can include nausea, trembling, rapid heart beat, feelings of unreality and a preoccupation with the fear object. The American Psychiatric Association identifies three different categories of phobias: social phobias, agoraphobia and specific phobias. When people talk about having a phobia of a specific object such as snakes, spiders or needles, they are referring to a specific phobia.
While not comprehensive, this phobia list offers a glimpse of the many phobias that can have a serious impact on an individual's life. As you may notice while you browse through this list, most specific phobias fall into one of four major categories: fears of natural environment, fears related to animals, fear related to medical treatments or issues and fears related to specific situations. Take a closer look by reading through this list of fears.


AchluophobiaFear of darkness
AcrophobiaFear of heights
AerophobiaFear of flying
AlgophobiaFear of pain
AgoraphobiaFear of open spaces or crowds
AichmophobiaFear of needles or pointed objects
AmaxophobiaFear of riding in a car
AndrophobiaFear of men
AnginophobiaFear of angina or choking
AnthrophobiaFear of flowers
AnthropophobiaFear of people or society
AphenphosmphobiaFear of being touched
ArachnophobiaFear of spiders
ArithmophobiaFear of numbers
AstraphobiaFear of thunder and lightening
AtaxophobiaFear of disorder or untidiness
AtelophobiaFear of imperfection
AtychiphobiaFear of failure
AutophobiaFear of being alone


BacteriophobiaFear of bacteria
BarophobiaFear of gravity
BathmophobiaFear of stairs or steep slopes
BatrachophobiaFear of amphibians
BelonephobiaFear of pins and needles
BibliophobiaFear of books
BotanophobiaFear of plants


CacophobiaFear of ugliness
CatagelophobiaFear of being ridiculed
CatoptrophobiaFear of mirrors
ChionophobiaFear of snow
ChromophobiaFear of colors
ChronomentrophobiaFear of clocks
ClaustrophobiaFear of confined spaces
CoulrophobiaFear of clowns
CyberphobiaFear of computers
CynophobiaFear of dogs


DendrophobiaFear of trees
DentophobiaFear of dentists
DomatophobiaFear of houses
DystychiphobiaFear of accidents


EcophobiaFear of the home
ElurophobiaFear of cats
EntomophobiaFear of insects
EphebiphobiaFear of teenagers
EquinophobiaFear of horses


GamophobiaFear of marriage
GenuphobiaFear of knees
GlossophobiaFear of speaking in public
GynophobiaFear of women


HeliophobiaFear of the sun
HemophobiaFear of blood
HerpetophobiaFear of reptiles
HydrophobiaFear of water
HypochonriaFear of illness


IatrophobiaFear of doctors
InsectophobiaFear of insects


KoinoniphobiaFear of rooms


LeukophobiaFear of the color white
LilapsophobiaFear of tornadoes and hurricanes
LockiophobiaFear of childbirth


MageirocophobiaFear of cooking
MegalophobiaFear of large things
MelanophobiaFear of the color black
MicrophobiaFear of small things
MysophobiaFear of dirt and germs


NecrophobiaFear of death or dead things
NoctiphobiaFear of the night
NosocomephobiaFear of hospitals
NyctophobiaFear of the dark


ObesophobiaFear of gaining weight
OctophobiaFear of the figure 8
OmbrophobiaFear of rain
OphidiophobiaFear of snakes
OrnithophobiaFear of birds


PapyrophobiaFear of paper
PathophobiaFear of disease
PedophobiaFear of children
PhilophobiaFear of love
PhobophobiaFear of phobias
PodophobiaFear of feet
PorphyrophobiaFear of the color purple
PteridophobiaFear of ferns
PteromerhanophobiaFear of flying
PyrophobiaFear of fire


SamhainophobiaFear of Halloween
ScolionophobiaFear of school
SelenophobiaFear of the moon
SociophobiaFear of social evaluation
SomniphobiaFear of sleep


TachophobiaFear of speed
TechnophobiaFear of technology
TonitrophobiaFear of thunder
TrypanophobiaFear of needles / injections


VenustraphobiaFear of beautiful women
VerminophobiaFear of germs
WiccaphobiaFear of witches and witchcraft
XenophobiaFear of strangers or foreigners
ZoophobiaFear of animals