Friday 29 April 2016

3 Benefit of green tea

hidden benefits of green tea
zhaolinghe/Moment/Getty Image
Considered by many to be one of nature's healthiest beverages, green tea is rich inantioxidants that could help fight off heart disease and cancer. Made from unfermented leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, green tea is also lower in caffeine than other caffeinated beverages (offering about 8 to 30 mg per cup, compared to 100 to 350 mg per cup of coffee) and contains the amino acid L-theanine (shown to induce relaxation and relieve stress in preliminary research).
1) Healthy Teeth and Gums
In a 2009 study, scientists sized up the periodontal health of 940 men and found that those who drank green tea on a regular basis had healthier gums than participants who skimped on the drink. For every cup of green tea sipped daily, in fact, there was a significant decrease in several indicators of periodontal disease (such as bleeding upon probing of the gum tissue).
Past research also indicates that drinking green tea may help avoid tooth erosion.
2) Stroke Prevention
Another 2009 study suggests that drinking green tea each day can significantly slash your risk of stroke (the third leading cause of death in the United States). In reviewing nine studies on a total of nearly 195,000 people, researchers found that three daily cups of tea reduced stroke risk by 21%.
What's more, consuming three more cups a day appeared to decrease stroke risk by an additional 21%.
3) Better Brain Power
Drinking green tea could preserve your brain power as you age, according to a 2006 study. The study's authors looked at tea consumption2009.
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